Patient Testimonials
Heart Wise
"Heart Wise made a real difference in the way I live. I went from being afraid to do anything, to exercising daily, eating properly, and enjoying life again."
- Edd
"Cardiac rehab was absolutely a life saver for me. I have more energy and more zest for life. The exercise combined with the dietitian is most helpful. The staff is great, always helping us. I recommend this course to everyone."
- Jacqueline
"I enrolled in the cardiac rehab program in 2004. The program's health protocol has been a tremendous benefit to its patients. Also a blessing and safe haven in terms of the staff who provide services for all participants. God bless Maria Parham's cardiac rehabilitation program for providing such a worthwhile community health resource."
- Sallie
Breath Wise
“I look forward to going to pulmonary rehab because it keeps me going. I’m more active at home and my activities of daily living have improved significantly. The fellowship with others who have lung problems is wonderful.”
- Ada
“Pulmonary rehab has improved my walking ability and has made breathing easier for me. It’s like a big meal…..I look forward to it and the staff is wonderful.”
- Harvey
“When I first started pulmonary rehab I could only walk for 2 – 3 minutes and then have to sit and rest for a significant amount of time. Now I am able to walk at least 30 minutes without resting. Before pulmonary rehab I was unable to complete housework due to my breathing. I am now able to sweep and vacuum with no shortness of breath. I am able to walk up and down stairs with no problems, something I could not do before."
- Mary Anderson